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Save Forty Pits

A home that was featured in the Doomsday book, could be demolished if Liverpool city council approve plans for the site to be developed.

On the corner of Allerton Road is where the property can be found. If the application goes through Forty Pits will be demolished to make way for 12 apartments in a 3-story building with space for 15 cars to park.

The application made to Liverpool city council by Mark Young has stirred up oposition to the planned development and a face book group and petitition to save the building has been created.

The opponants claim the proposed building is too large and out of character with the other rather more modest buildings in the area, furthermore the opponants site the historical value of the building which has original parts dating back to 1650 and which also appears mentiopned in the doomday book


Check out the Save Forty Pits page here:

Save Forty Pits

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