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Fairytale style shed in East London garden

Children novelist has fairytale style shed built to help provide writing inspiration in his back garden at his home in Hakney London.

Decked out with a wood burner surrounded by book shelves, the author has built this cabin with architects Weston Surman & Deane Architecture.

The children’s author and illustrator has the cabin built in his back garden as a workplace, to allow him to be inspired and delve

without distraction into his mythological style of writing. Filled with natural light by day through a north facing skylight the cabin is perfect for writing and creative illustration.

The exterior slats made from cedar provide a natural weather proofed material and the spacing in the design allows the mystical cabin the glow after the light of day has faded. The shed also boasts a covered veranda overlooking the garden, and the combination of these features should help the writer conceive his next piece.

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